Africa Fundraiser + Cool Necklace = Great Gift

February 1, 2013 § Leave a comment

africa necklace close up

Not only are these necklaces cool, they are helping to send my mother-in-law on a very special journey to Zambia, Africa. In March she will be visiting a school established by the Seeds of Hope organization that created the Buseko Children’s Home, the first and currently the only home in Zambia specifically for HIV/AIDS affected or infected children. Along with the JoeEllz shop owner (and bootie creator, April) she will be hand delivering large quantities of booties to the babies in orphanages, hospitals, and the local village.

**** I will donate half of every necklace sale ($10) to her trip expenses to get to Africa. ****

If you would like to learn more about the trip and other opportunities to contribute you can check out this link:

You can purchase the necklace on my etsy site here.



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